We are accepting abstracts for the 2025 Spring OkIP Conferences, which will be held April 1-3. If you have any questions, please email us at info@okipublishing.com and okipublisher@gmail.com.

Nov 15 – 18, 2021 Convention
MNTC Conference Center & Online
US/Central timezone

Oklahoma International Publishing (OkIP) is a new publisher incorporated in Oklahoma, USA with assigned ISBN Prefix: 978-1-6692.

OkIP organizes a variety of international conferences offering to scientists, students and professionals a world class peer review content in the areas of Science & Engineering, Social & Health Science, and Business. OkIP is pleased to host the conferences and events below. Each conference aims to bring together scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds to emphasize dissemination of ongoing research and development in its fields. For each conference, proposals are solicited describing original works in the fields and related technologies. 

Each conference will include a peer-reviewed program of technical, industrial and poster sessions. Accepted and presented peer-reviewed papers will be published by OkIP and submitted for indexation in major abstract and citation databases of peer-reviewed literature.

Extended version of best papers will be considered for the inaugural issue of an international journal in the field of the manuscript.

OkIP fully adheres with the Recommended Practices to Ensure Conference Content Quality. "These recommended practices have been developed (by Elsevier, IEEE and IET) to provide guidelines that will help maintain an equitable balance of the interests of all participants in ensuring high quality, scholarly conference proceedings content." We need your help to serve as reviewer and help us comply with the above recommendation for conference content quality.


Call for Reviewers

We invite scholars to become Reviewers for OkIP. All interested scholars should send their consent by emailing us at info@okipublishing.com with all their areas of interest. For volunteering, all the reviewers will receive a certificate of appreciation by the OkIP secretariat.


2021 OkIP Conferences

2021 OkIP International Conference on Software Engineering Research & Development (SERD)

2021 OkIP International Conference on Automated and Intelligent Systems (CAIS)

2021 OkIP International Conference on Cloud Computing and Technologies (CCCT)

2021 OkIP International Conference on Data Technology and Engineering (CDTE)

2021 OkIP International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Applications (CECA)

2021 OkIP International Conference on eLearning and Technology in Education (CETE)

2021 OkIP International Conference on Enterprise and Software Process (CESP)

2021 OkIP International Conference on Green Research & Technology (CGRT)

2021 OkIP International Conference on Advances in Health Information Technology (AHIT)

2021 OkIP International Conference on Advances in High-Performance Computing (AHPC)

2021 OkIP International Conference on Advances in Power and Energy (CAPE)

2021 OkIP International Conference on Advances in Information Security and Assurance (AISA)