The 2025 Spring OkIP Conference will be held April 1-3. If you have any questions, please email us at and

1–3 Apr 2025 Conference
Tiako Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA & Online
US/Central timezone


Incomplete List of Committee Members

- David Schvartzman, University of Oklahoma, USA

- Detlef Schulz, Helmut-Schmidt University, Germany

- Dinesh Kumar, Danfoss Drives A/S, Denmark

- Hyacinthe Aboudja, Oklahoma City University, USA

- J. Cecil, Oklahoma State University, USA

- Jose L. Rueda Torres, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

- Khaled Sellami, University of Bejaia, Algeria

- Kishore Mude, Solace Power Inc., Canada

- Lifford McLauchlan, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, USA

- Manos M. Tentzeris, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

- Michele Mastroianni, University of Campania, Italy

- Mouloud Denai, University of Hertfordshire, UK

- Mounir Khiat, ENP Oran, Algeria

- Abdulelah Alwabel, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz U., KSA

- Ammar Natsheh, Higher Colleges of Tech., Dubai

- Andrew Kusiak, University of Iowa, USA

- Arnab K. Paul, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

- Asghar Aisha, EPFL of Lausanne, Switzerland

- Attila Kertesz, University of Szeged, Hungary

- Bikiran Guha, Hitachi Energy, USA

- Bora Karayaka, Western Carolina University, USA

- Damir Novosel, Quanta Tech. and Energized Services, USA,

- Dan Morehead, OGE Energy Corp (Ret.), USA

- Nesreen Alsbou, University of Central Oklahoma, USA

- Om Malik, University of Calgary, Canada

- Pierre Tiako, CITRD Oklahoma City, USA

- Ragab El-Sehiemy, Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt

- Roy McCann, University of Arkansas, USA

- Saeed Peyghami, Aalborg University, Denmark

- Serge Dzonde Naoussi, University of Douala, Cameroon

- Sherali Zeadally, University of Kentucky, USA

- Subramaniam Ganesan, Oakland University, USA

- Tom Jobe, BioInSpire LLC, USA

- Yousef Farhaoui, Moulay Ismail University, Morocco