We are accepting abstracts for the 2025 Spring OkIP Conferences, which will be held April 1-3. If you have any questions, please email us at info@okipublishing.com and okipublisher@gmail.com.

1–3 Oct 2024 Convention
Tiako Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA & Online
US/Central timezone

Presentation Options

OkIP Presentation Options


Following COVID-19 or other possible pandemics, the non-attendance face-to-face by the author would not affect the publication and indexation consideration of a registered paper. OkIP proposes the presentation modes:


On-Site Presentation: 20-minute face-to-face presentation, which includes questions and answers. Please bring your PowerPoint presentation on a standard USB Flash Memory. OkIP will equip each conference room with a computer and a video projector. The author must send a prerecorded version of the talk or “voice-over” slide presentation to OkIP for sharing with remote attendees. A URL, without any password, from where their prerecorded presentation can be accessed or downloaded is acceptable.


Synchronous Presentation: 20-minute remote and live Zoom presentation, which includes questions and answers. OkIP will email the speakers who select this option a Zoom link/code and the date and time of the presentation. The author must send a prerecorded version of the talk or “voice-over” slides presentation to OkIP for play in case of Internet or Network issues. A URL, without any password, from where their prerecorded presentation can be accessed or downloaded is acceptable.


Asynchronous Presentation: 20-minute remote and non-interactive presentation, which includes questions and answers. For information, OkIP will still email the speakers who select this option a Zoom link/code and the date and time we will play the presentation. The author must send a prerecorded version of the talk or “voice-over” slides presentation to OkIP. A URL, without any password, from where their prerecorded presentation can be accessed or downloaded is acceptable.


PowerPoint: Creating a Voice-over Presentation

Use this Youtube video to help create a voice over your PowerPoint presentation.